Tuesday, July 5, 2011

listings and more listings

i have just logged 3.5 hours on my computer uploading to etsy. that's right, the store is fully stocked! i typically like to spread out my listings across a couple of weeks to get the most views, but truthfully, i haven't been able to find the time. my photos have been edited for weeks now, but well, it's summer and things move a lot slower for me :) the above is a pair of lamps that i am really having a hard time letting go - i love them so, but i really want to share the love by not hogging them for myself. the center band is wrapped with fabric from a vintage sheet which makes these lamps so very unique and cute, did i mention cute???

 of course, you can always find my botanical prints. i truly cannot wait till my days are free again and i can get started on some new floral options. they are all waiting patiently in my sketchbook, ready to be digitized.

and there are also plenty of aprons covering all colors and tastes.

if you have any questions about the items in the shop, don't hesitate to convo me :)

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